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A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Daily Meditations from His Letters, Writings, and Sermons
Product Description
< p> Dietrich Bonhoeffer was only thirty-nine when he was executed by the Nazis in 1945, yet his influence on Christian life has been enormous. His passionate, theology-based opposition to Nazism made him a leader, along with Karl Barth, in Germany's Confessing Church. Bonhoeffer is embraced by both liberal and conservative Christians, and the integrity of his faith and life have led believers everywhere to recognize him as the one theologian of his time to lead future generations of Christians into the new millennium. His writings are a treasure of spiritual wisdom, social con-science, pastoral care, and theological insights that are an inspiration to us all, no matter what challenges we face.< /p> < p> A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer showcases his writings, letters, and sermons in a daily devotional format, encouraging and deepening readers' reflections and meditations. With a foreword by Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics, A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer will take readers on a 365-day journey of understanding with this deeply spiritual man.< /p>
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780060884086
    • Publisher: Harper One
    • ISBN 13: 9780060884086
    • ISBN 10: 0060884088
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 12/27/2005
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    • Page Count: 402
    • Width: 5.82 inches
    • Height: 1.40 inches
    • Length: 7.74 inches
    • Weight: 0.07 pounds

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