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An Invitation to Slow Down, Create Margin, and Surrender Control to God
Product Description

Experience the joy of slowing down, creating margin, and surrendering control to God.

Samantha Decker lived a hurried life. Swimming in chaos with a never-ending to-do list, she experienced the fatigue and desperation of rushing from one thing to another. But, amidst her chaos and fruitless efforts to do and be everything, the Lord gently met her. He invited her to slow down and experience His created design for rest.

In Unhurried, we will explore our busy, hurried lives and discover how we can experience the joy of slowing down. We will learn more about margin--what is it, how did Jesus create it, and how can we follow Him? Through the Lord's guidance and grace, Samantha also shows us how to make time for eternal realities.

  • Are your days marked by busyness, striving, and planning?
  • Does rest feel unattainable?
  • Do you regularly describe yourself as "busy"?

This book is an invitation to rest, create space, and join God in the work He's doing.

This is the story of a God who knows how to rest. A God who has everything under control. A God who gave His only Son to save us from our sins and the bondage they bring. In Christ, there is freedom from striving, busyness, and hurry. Are you ready to take off these weights and follow Jesus?

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780802433275
    • Publisher: Moody Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780802433275
    • Publication Date: 04/01/2025
    • Format: Paperback

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