A daily devotional spanning the four weeks of Advent exploring faith's daring stories of risk, birth, and radical trust that can revitalize our connection to faith, community, and personal transformation.
Advent gives us the opportunity each year to consider the stories we know as part of our faith: stories of risk, stories of birth, stories of trying again, and above all, stories of a mutual, radical trust between God and God's people. That trust is manifested when God's sends Jesus to Us. Daring to Connect shares contemporary versions of these stories, experienced in pastor Dawn Darwin Weaks' ministry to a revitalized congregation focused on mission in their community and personal transformation. Beginning with the first Sunday of Advent, each day's devotion includes an Advent scripture, reflection, and prayer. Candle-lighting moments for each Sunday and Christmas plus devotions including the 12 Days of Christmas until Epiphany make Daring to Connect an engaging Advent experience.