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Finding Truth

5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes
  • By Nancy Pearcey
Product Description
This apologetics book for a new generation teaches a biblically based, straightforward approach to conversations with atheists, skeptics, and seekers about why the truths they long for can be found only in Christianity.

From former agnostic Nancy Pearcey, this real-world apologetics book offers a five-part strategy for answering the claims of any worldview.

Christians can feel overwhelmed at the sheer number of competing worldviews in today's pluralistic society. But we do not have to memorize a new argument to answer every possible perspective. In Finding Truth, Nancy Pearcey provides five biblically based principles that cut to the heart of any worldview while making a compelling and attractive case for Christianity.

This highly engaging and practical book:

  • Equips you to respectfully respond to atheists and skeptics with a single apologetics approach
  • Challenges the assumption that faith means we stop thinking and "just believe"
  • Explores why the bedrock truths we long for are found only in historic Christianity
  • Helps us see how the Bible gives us the resources we need to think critically about any system of ideas so we can speak about Jesus with confidence

Rich with personal stories and modern-day examples, Finding Truth is a training manual to help you make the case for Christianity in a post-Christian world. As Pearcey reminds us, the most common reason people give for rejecting Christianity is that they can't find satisfying answers to their doubts. Finding Truth offers those answers and helps you articulate them so that you can say along with Paul, "I am not ashamed of the gospel."
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780830788002
    • Publisher: David C Cook
    • ISBN 13: 9780830788002
    • Publication Date: 07/02/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Nancy Pearcey

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