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A Spirituality of Listening - eBook [ePub]

Living What We Hear
  • By Keith R. Anderson
  • Foreword by Dan B. Allender
Electronic Media
Product Description
  • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award
"Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn't sure if God is done speaking." So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. "My claim is simple: spirituality is grounded in ordinary life experiences. We need to learn to listen to rhythms of life, narratives and creation." Rather than settling for a one-sided relationship with God in which we speak but never hear back, we can learn to hear God as we go through our lives. The key is paying attention to the moments that make up our days. As we participate in the world around us, God speaks to us through creation, through the stories we tell, through our pain and as we follow God down unexpected pathways. Learning to listen doesn't happen in ten easy steps. Instead it is a process of approaching the world with wonder and curiosity as we seek to make sense of what we hear. Hearing God speak takes time and practice, and Anderson offers reflective exercises at the end of each chapter to help us along the way. Listen--and step into a world alive with God's presence.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780830899203
    • Publisher: IVP Books
    • ISBN 13: 9780830899203
    • Publication Date: 03/12/2016
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Dan B. Allender
    • Author: Keith R. Anderson

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