What beliefs set United Methodists apart from other denominations? How has Methodism changed since its beginning in the 18th century?
Living Our United Methodist Beliefs is the Leader's Guide for a course that will help participants better understand United Methodist beliefs and history. It is ideal for a new members class or an adult confirmation class.
Use the Leader's Guide with these companion components:
- Living Our Beliefs: The United Methodist Way by Kenneth L. Carder
- A Brief History of The United Methodist Church (scroll down the page for pdf download)
In this course participants will:
- discover the relationship of doctrine to the missional movement of Methodism and its theological influence on the practical structure and disciplines of early Methodists
- learn about the formation of Methodist denominations as an important part of the history of The United Methodist Church
- explore the Wesleyan understanding of grace, the means of grace, and how practicing spiritual disciplines leads to holiness of heart and life.