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On the Resurrection, Volume 2

  • By Gary Habermas
Product Description

While evidence for Christ's resurrection abounds, there are still those who posit alternative explanations for the empty tomb. In On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations, Gary Habermas offers detailed analyses and rebuttals of the alternate theories surrounding Jesus's resurrection.

Comprehensive in scope, On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations addresses topics such as:

  • Second-century texts that seem to challenge the resurrection
  • Hume's arguments against miracles
  • The naturalism and skepticism of nineteenth-century German liberalism
  • Alternative theories such as the disciples or others stealing the body, the "swoon" theory, hallucinations, and mythological understanding
Habermas engages critically with the arguments and offers a comprehensive apologetic for the reality of Christ's resurrection.

Published in four volumes, On the Resurrection serves as Gary R. Habermas's magnum opus - a comprehensive defense of the authenticity of Jesus Christ's resurrection, built from Habermas's lifetime of scholarly study.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781087778624
    • Publisher: B&H PUB GROUP
    • ISBN 13: 9781087778624
    • Publication Date: 09/15/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Gary Habermas

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