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Introducing Prophetic Pragmatism

A Dialogue on Hope, the Philosophy of Race, and the Spiritual Blues
  • By Brad Elliott Stone, Jacob L. Goodson
Product Description

Pragmatism is a philosophical school of thought emphasizing action, practices, and practical reasoning whereas prophecy is an ancient religious concept that requires belief in the reality of God. Although these two concepts seem to not be a natural fit with one another, the authors demonstrate why prophetic pragmatism is "pragmatism at its best.

Table of Contents:
Goodson & Stone, Introduction

Part One: What Is Prophetic Pragmatism?
Chapter 1: Stone, The Twin Pillars of Prophetic Pragmatism
Chapter 2: Goodson, Prophetic Pragmatism or Tragic Transcendentalism?
Chapter 3: Stone, Prophetic Pragmatism Is Pragmatism at Its Best
Chapter 4: Goodson, Is Cornel West's Prophetic Pragmatism Marxism at Its Best?

Part Two: Prophetic Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Race
Chapter 5: Goodson, Hope against Hope
Chapter 6: Stone, Tragicomic Hope and the Spiritual Blues Impulse

Part Three: Prophetic Pragmatism's Relation to Neo-Pragmatism
Chapter 7: Stone, Can There Be Hope Without Prophecy?
Chapter 8: Goodson, Three Prophetic Pragmatisms: Deep, Strong, Weak

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781498539982
    • ISBN 13: 9781498539982
    • Publication Date: 04/03/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Brad Elliott Stone
    • Author: Jacob L. Goodson

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