This study turns its focus to the prophetic proclamations offered to the
people of Israel while they were in exile in foreign lands. These four
lessons based on passages found in Hosea, Esther, Ezra and more will
explore what it means to be in exile, and how our lives are changed when
we follow a God that reminds us that we are not alone and not forgotten
and who promises to restore us.
A Deep Dive into the Story of God
Fathom is a Bible study for teens that covers the Old and New Testaments
in 18 4-session studies. The lessons are a blend of narrative and
traditional theological approaches to understanding the Bible story.
Each lesson will focus on one passage that will launch into the larger
context of God's story being studied,and how that story is meant to be
theirs. Fathom is suitable for groups with middle schoolers, high
schoolers, and any combination of the two. But unlike many other
resources, it acknowledges the differences between older and younger
youth and the way they learn. It provides activities specific to each
age group, as well as activities for mixed groups in which older youth
have leadership opportunities. Fathom gives leaders the option to let
youth take ownership of their learning through teaching and leading
alongside adults. Fathom creates space and tension for teens to wrestle
with how to interpret and experience the Bible.
Through, leaders will have access to planning
and teaching tools, customizable content, and other supplemental content
to support their use of Fathom as well as their youth ministries in