The church in America is getting smaller and smaller. Each year, average church attendance decreases, while the number of Americans who identify as having no religious affiliation increases. Even traditionally Christian areas, such as the Bible Belt, are seeing the same trends as the rest of the nation.
America is not alone in experiencing these trends. Western Europe, once a strong Christian continent, is also going the same way.
What is the cause of the decline of Christianity in America as well as Western Europe?
Many have written on this topic, but I believe it is because of a lack of faithful witnessing by everyday Christians.
In my twenty-eight plus years of ministry, I have found over and over again that faithful church members do not know how to share their faith, nor do they have any idea of where to begin having an impact for the Kingdom of God. Our culture has lost the practice of hospitality. Churches have become so programmatic that many Christians find all their social time and needs being met on the church campus. Even when Christians find themselves engaged within the community in different social activities, such as youth sports, they have no idea how to leverage those relationships for the Gospel.
"Witnessing Where You Live, Work, and Play" is a practical guide that does four things:
It will help you understand God's calling on your life as a follower of Jesus to be a witness for Him.
It will provide training in how to walk someone through the Gospel using both your personal testimony and the Word of God.
It will help you understand the different domains where you live your life.
It will help you develop strategies to begin having an impact with the Gospel in those different domains.