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Follo Life Principles from Unforgotten Women of the Bible

Lessons from Lesser Known Women of the Bible on Leaving a Legacy of Faith
  • By Leigh Powers
Product Description
Christian Market Book Award Bible Study of the Year 2022 - First Place Winner!

A quick glance at Scripture reveals the same familiar stories we've heard before. But when we slow down and take the time to look, other stories start to stand out to us--stories of women who played a role in God's great story of salvation. Not all of them are named. Some of them are only mentioned in a line or a phrase, but they were significant enough for their stories to be recorded in the Book of Life. By studying them, we can learn for ourselves what it means to live a legacy of faith--what it looks like to live a life that is worthy of being remembered.
Over six weeks, we're going to study the stories of six of these lesser-known women of the Bible. None of them had much time in the spotlight. They are the supporting cast--the roles that get listed way down in the credits right before the makeup artists and the lighting crew. Yet they are woven into the tapestry of faith, and we should consider their stories significant because God says they are significant to him.
The five daughters of Zelophehad, who courageously claimed their inheritance.
Huldah, who valued God's Word and helped usher in revival.
Abigail, whose words averted disaster and helped call King David into his destiny.
The Widow of Zarephath, who wasn't searching for God but discovered God was searching for her.
Leah, the unloved sister who found acceptance in God's presence and purpose
Gomer, who discovered the power of God's redeeming love.
They aren't the women of the Bible whose names always make the Sunday School list, but their lives mattered. Their stories matter.
So does yours.

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781617155338
    • Publisher: Amg Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9781617155338
    • Publication Date: 03/29/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Leigh Powers
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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