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Hearers of the Word

Praying & Exploring the Readings Lent & Holy Week: Year C
  • By Kieran J. O''Mahony
Product Description
The readings for Lent in year C are mostly from Luke, with the emphasis falling on conversion and reconciliation (even the "stray" reading from John 8:1-11 is Lukan in tone). This year, the narrative arc from the Old Testament begins with a very ancient Israelite creed, "A wandering Aramean was my ancestor," a mysteriously inspiring narrative. In a markedly consistent way, the middle readings, all from the undisputed letters of Paul, link with other readings and help to bring them into our present moment.

By exploring the context and background to all three readings, the author hopes to make the readings available for personal prayer and as a preparation for taking part in the Sunday liturgy. A very useful resource for all who wish to get more out the Sunday readings. Fr Kieran is very well-known for his regular email resources of resources on the readings. These are hugely popular amongst clergy and others. Now, for the first time, these readings are brought together in a series of books. This is the second volume covering Lent and Holy Week.
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    • SKU: 9781788124706
    • Publisher: Messenger Pubn
    • ISBN 13: 9781788124706
    • Publication Date: 01/17/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Kieran J. O''Mahony

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