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I Wonder

Mind-Freeing Encounters with God
  • By Nathan Aaseng
Product Description

'Nathan Aaseng asks the "God questions" about which many of us wonder but rarely have the honesty to explore. Weaving together story, life experience, science, humor, and hope, Aaseng stitches together a quilt of Christianity that faithfully lifts up the God of grace and pointedly rejects the easy answers of popular religion. With the heart of a pastor, the wit of a humorist, the eloquence of a bard, the clarity of a scientist, and the depth of a theologian, the reader is led onto holy ground to see the God of mercy, justice, and love. Laypersons will be enlightened. Clergy will delight in the way Aaseng addresses the ponderings of their flocks with the solid grounding of Scripture.' Duane Pederson, former Lutheran bishop and Visiting Professor at Yale Divinity School

Many Christian leaders today promote rigid doctrine that says, "Never doubt. Never question". This insistence has been demonstrably disastrous for the church because the first step in any faith formation is to wonder. Nathan Aaseng revives the gift of wonder in seeking a fuller, more awesome experience of God. It welcomes unsettling questions, that are too often dismissed with pat answers.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781789047776
    • ISBN 13: 9781789047776
    • Publication Date: 12/01/2021
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Nathan Aaseng

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