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Territoriality and Hospitality

Christian and Muslim Perspectives
  • By Cheikh Anta Babou, John Azumah
Product Description

In a world where religion is frequently viewed as a source of conflict and division, what can we learn from the harmonious coexistence of Christian and Muslim communities flourishing in Africa and elsewhere?

This collaborative work, inspired by the life and legacy of Lamin Sanneh, seeks to highlight valuable lessons from the rich Christian and Muslim traditions of hospitality through bringing together voices and perspectives from diverse backgrounds and contexts, developing a vision for the common good of society. Amplifying a contextual understanding of Christian-Muslim relations, the authors from Africa and across the world reflect on and respond to the cultural themes of territoriality and hospitality, resulting in a comprehensive resource for constructive engagement of the faiths in shared public spaces. Readers invested in the future of Christianity and Islam will learn how these cultural and theological resources are vital for both faiths to live and flourish together in Africa and beyond.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781839737572
    • Publisher: LANGHAM GLOBAL LIB
    • ISBN 13: 9781839737572
    • Publication Date: 10/16/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: John Azumah
    • Author: Cheikh Anta Babou

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