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The Truth of Mankind

Reflections on Girardian Theory
  • By Cesáreo Bandera
Product Description

The Truth of Mankind draws on Cesáreo Bandera's long lifetime of critical experience and literary scholarship. Bandera is not only a celebrated and distinguished interpreter of Latin and Greek literature, of Cervantes and Calderón, and many other seminal figures, but was also a friend and colleague of the late René Girard, the celebrated Catholic theorist of the "scapegoat mechanism" as the fundamental logic underlying all human communities and polities; and in the field of literary studies, he is considered a decisive interlocutor of Girard.

Through striking readings of Biblical texts, of Cervantes, of Virgil, and, above all, of Girard's own works, Bandera raises a fundamental question about Girard's theory. Can it really, as Girard himself thought, be articulated in a way that does not rely on any particular theological standpoint? Or is it instead, as Bandera argues, intimately dependent on the revealed truth of Christ on the cross-a revealed truth which Girard, as a believing Catholic, himself confessed?

The Truth of Mankind will be of interest not only to all who wish to understand Girard's thinking and its relationship to Christianity, but also to anyone seeking to understand how Christianity can address the most urgent social and ethical questions faced by human life on this planet.

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    • SKU: 9798892800303
    • ISBN 13: 9798892800303
    • Publication Date: 07/06/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Cesáreo Bandera

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