Remember the past and inspire the future.Become the historian your church needs or uncover a treasure trove of old records. But what should you keep? Where should you store them? And how can you ensure they stand the test of time? As you commemorate your church's anniversary, writing its history lies ahead. So, where do you begin? With aging leaders, now is the time to capture their memories. But how should you prepare for interviews, and what questions should you ask? Look no further - this comprehensive Guideline provides answers and valuable resources to guide you every step of the way.
This is one of the twenty-six
Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2025-2028 that cover church leadership areas, including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more.