The traditional, biblically based view of Hell is again being questioned by people both in and outside the walls of the church. How could Jesus, the one who died for the sins of the world, condemn millions of people to eternal torment because they didn't believe the right things about him? Doesn't God's goodness make it impossible for him to commit such an act of seemingly vengeful judgment? Isn't eternal punishment disproportionate, and therefore unjust, in light of the temporal nature of all human failings? Can't Jesus' love overcome all who resist him, even the most unrepentant of sinners?In light of difficult questions like these---and in part as a response to the controversy stirred up by Rob Bell's Love Wins---this book affirms with clarity and even-handedness the historic Christian doctrine regarding the final destiny of the unsaved. Together, the contributors explore the biblical and theological reasons for continuing to believe in hell, revealing along the way some of the consequences for the church when it loses sight of this doctrine. Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven? answers some of today's toughest questions with deep biblical insights and an irenic tone. This book is ideal for group studies on the topic or for individuals looking for a quick way to better understand the discussion.