The United Methodist Church recognizes the two sacraments in which Christ himself participated: baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism joins Christians everywhere, and is a symbol of new life and forgiveness of sins. Persons of any age can be baptized, and the method can be sprinkling, immersion, or pouring. Through baptism we are joined with the church and with Christians everywhere.
A baptismal candle may be presented to the newly baptized, with such words as: "Let your light so shine that others, seeing your good works, may glorify your Father in heaven." It is appropriate to light the baptismal candle in the home each year on the anniversary of baptism as a reminder of the grace of God offered through baptism. Baptismal candles bear either a Christian symbol or no decoration at all.
Cokesbury is your one-stop place to shop for all your church supply needs. It is a convenient way to keep your congregation stocked with the communion supplies, baptismal needs, bulletins, certificates, candles, and even clergy apparel. Save time and money by partnering with Cokesbury.