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Stuck Study Guide - eBook [ePub]

Electronic Media
Product Description

Do you feel stuck?

So many of us live stuck. Stuck in trying to seem perfect. Stuck in sadness. Stuck feeling numb. Stuck pursuing more stuff to make us happy. Stuck in something we can't even name. These stuck places often go unattended inside of us and they are shaping our lives more than we would like to think.

In Stuck, Bible teacher Jennie Allen shows us where we are stuck and why:

  • We are stuck in anger because we aren't trusting God to defend us.
  • We are stuck in discontentment because we are looking to the wrong things for fulfillment.
  • We are stuck in worry because we have made something other than God our idol.
  • We are stuck doing too much because we don't know our real purpose.
  • We are stuck in sadness because we have wrong expectations.

Through deep Bible study and practical exercises, Jennie shows us how we've been trying to fix this stuck feeling with everything but God. He has a plan for these spaces inside of us, the places we feel broken, but we have to go to Him. Stuck is a journey to take an honest look at the fight going on inside, leading us to the God who has a plan to restore us. Our stuck places are the very places that make us ache for God, and we find Him waiting there for us with hope and freedom.

The Stuck Study Guide uses projects, stories, and Bible study to engage the mind and heart.

Sessions include:

  1. stuck
  2. broken
  3. mad
  4. discontent
  5. scared
  6. overwhelmed
  7. sad
  8. unstuck

Designed for use with the Stuck Video Study (9780849922541), sold separately.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781418548766
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781418548766
    • Publication Date: 10/01/2011
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Jennie Allen

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