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Adoring Addie - eBook [ePub]

Electronic Download
Product Description
When Addie Cramer's mutter and daed decide Phillip Eicher is the man for her to marry, they claim she must honor them by obeying their wishes. But then she falls in love with Jonathan Mosier--part of the family with whom the Cramers have a long-held grudge.
With the help of others in her community who long to see the quarrel healed, Jonathan and Addie struggle to continue their relationship against both sets of parents' wishes. But when one of Addie's vengeful brothers harms a member of the Mosier family, Jonathan intervenes and is banished from Lancaster County.
A distraught Addie determines to find the true reason for the grudge between the two families, hoping to tear down the animosity of the past. Can their love for each other bridge the divide between their families? Or are they destined to remain apart forever?
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781441261380
    • Publisher: Baker Book House
    • Language of Text: English
    • ISBN 13: 9781441261380
    • Publication Date: 05/01/2013
    • Format: Electronic Download
    • Author: Leslie Gould
    • Page Count: 352

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