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Vatican II at 60

Re-Energizing the Renewal
  • By Catherine E. Clifford, Steven Lempe
Product Description

Marking the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) here are original essays by leading Catholic theological scholars. They address the historic and current significance of the Council, key documents and themes, and the Council's ongoing challenge for renewal in the Catholic Church of the twenty-first century.


1. A Council for a World Church, Catherine E. Clifford

2, The Unfinished Business of Lumen Gentium, Paul Lakeland

3. Reform in Motion: Vatican II and the Liturgy, John F. Baldovin, SJ

4. Lumen Gentium, Synodality, and the Universal Call to Participation, Brian P. Flanagan

5. Dei Verbum and the Roots of Synodality, Ormond Rush

6. Being the Church in the World, Marcus Mescher

7. Gender and Ecclesiology since Vatican II, Elyse J. Raby

8. Nostra Aetate Journey to Interfaith Dialogue, Celia Deutsch, NDS

9. The Spirituality of the Second Vatican Council, Gerald O'Collins, SJ

10. Synodality: An Enduring Legacy of the Council, Cardinal Robert W. McElroy

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781626985575
    • Publisher: Orbis Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781626985575
    • Publication Date: 05/15/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Catherine E. Clifford
    • Author: Steven Lempe

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