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Fraud of Turin

  • By James Francis Day
Product Description
What more is there to add about the Shroud of Turin? The linen cloth with the faint image of the crucified Jesus in the position of burial is perhaps more popular today than at any other time. But the Shroud unlocks for us another world, a forgotten world. THE FRAUD OF TURIN, written by Catholic writer James Day, objectively reviews the evidence for a medieval creation, but it is written for religious believers, art lovers, and history buffs showing just how all consuming the Passion of Jesus Christ was to the medieval mind. What emerges is an epic journey with crusaders to Jerusalem's Holy Sepulcher, into Arthurian lore and the search for the Holy Grail, and across the Black Sea into mysterious Constantinople. James Day boldly sets out to find the truth of the world's most famous religious artifact.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781634244756
    • Publisher: TRINE DAY
    • ISBN 13: 9781634244756
    • Publication Date: 10/15/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: James Francis Day

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