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Miraculous Sky

  • By Michelle Weltz
Product Description

Sky, a boisterous young pup, and her family are enjoying a day at the lake when they discover a sore in Sky's mouth. A trip to the veterinarian's office soon reveals Sky has cancer. Not giving up hope, Sky's family and friends turn to prayer for her healing.

Although a sensitive topic for children, Miraculous Sky is a resource for families going through a similar situation. This uplifting children's book reminds us that we can turn to God for comfort and guidance during difficult times. It also teaches children how to trust God with their needs.

With its inspiring story and faith-boosting message, Miraculous Sky encourages children to turn to God during difficult times.

Sam Sorbo, Author, filmmaker, education freedom advocate

I love this story as it illustrates the power of God and the heart of God to heal in a day when we see far too little of this kind of faith. For children to hear that God moves today in the miraculous and cares about a Labrador Retriever is a faith booster. We need such real life testimonies in our world today-especially aimed at the next generation.

Jerry Praetzel, Pastor

This is a delightful true story of a miracle that took place in this beloved dog, Sky...May this story of divine healing stimulate in young hearts an ability to walk and trust in Jesus.

Linda Praetzel

I love the profound simplicity of this book on the difficult subject for all who have pets. This is a story of hope and healing displayed through the healing power of our Lord.

Linda S. Chenard, Counselor, Choosing Hope Counseling Center

An uplifting true story that reminds us that our prayers are heard by a merciful and loving God. Michelle Weltz has written of the struggle all creatures face with uncertain medical outcomes that generate great fear. Sky reminds us that we always have God to turn to-if we just ask!

Laura Dickerson, Educator, Founder of Dickerson Counseling

You should always pray and believe people and God and Jesus and trust in Jesus. You should read Miraculous Sky.

Abigail, Age 9

Miraculous Sky is an endearing and uniquely told story celebrating the power of prayer.

Joann Howeth

I love this sweet story of God's healing power. It reminds me that God cares about everything in our lives. Whatever is important to us, is important to God, too. Miraculous Sky is a joyous testimony to that.

Jean Matthew Hall, Editor, StarLight Magazine

In this heartwarming story of hope and healing, kids experience the truth that God cares about our prayers. Miraculous Sky pulls us in by showing us a real miracle from a dog's perspective, sharing the power of faith in everyday life. It's a beautiful reminder that the Lord loves us and is always with us.

Karley Conklin, Librarian Assistant

I thoroughly enjoyed this look at how God loves every detail of our lives. Our animals are family. Seeing how God can heal those we love is a wonderful display of His love and power. Miraculous Sky is a wonderful story that I believe will speak to the heart of every age group. Michelle has really communicated some powerful truths in the story and in life.

Jason Burrough, Pastor

Michelle Weltz has been a student of mine in the past. Her sweet cartoons of her dogs and her family are as appealing as any I've ever seen. I'd love to see her book in libraries and Sunday school classes, which I believe would enhance and inspire not only little children, but their parents as well.

Diana Neville Knowles, Portrait Painter and Instructor

What a beautiful tribute to Sky and Tana. Never doubt the power of prayer. To God be the glory.

Dr. Karen Hartle, Veterinarian

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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781649603296
    • Publisher: Ambassador Intl
    • ISBN 13: 9781649603296
    • Publication Date: 04/23/2024
    • Author: Michelle Weltz
    • Format: Hardcover

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