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Man's Desire for God

  • By Brian Thomas Becket Mullady O. P.
Product Description

Here is the book that will help you discover how to be "fully alive." Esteemed theologian, Fr. Thomas Mullady, OP shares a fresh perspective on why you are called to union with God. He provides accessible and relevant answers on commonly asked post-Vatican II questions in Catholic theology, including Thomistic problems which have pervaded Catholic theology, both past and present.

Fr. Mullady offers solutions to debates and a springboard to launch an analysis of contemporary issues such as:

  • What power in the human soul enables us to perceive supernaturally, why life is sacred, and how our nature is ordered to grace
  • The personalistic philosophy of Pope John Paul II and the essence of "theology of the body"
  • The malaise in Moral Theology which is at the root of the pedophilia crisis in the Church in the United States
  • The loss of authentic fatherhood and masculinity in the West, the need for spiritual parenthood, and a renewed understanding of God as Father
  • The existential problem with death and how to truly understand human destiny
  • Why belief in the redemptive nature of the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is central and how to explain the teaching of transubstantiation

Masterfully, Fr. Mullady examines each topic from the perspective of faith and reason, and provides a new understanding of both the positive and negative contributions of the Catholic theologians of the last fifty years, including Karl Rahner, Henri de Lubac, Rene Decartes, Immanuel Kant, and Martin Heidegger. Through his wisdom you will clearly understand the interrelationship between the body and soul, and how this crucial unity affects our moral actions.

By seeking to follow the truth with openness of heart, your soul will begin to experience happiness on earth and attain the fullness of joy in Our Father's house in Heaven.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781682783818
    • Publisher: EWTN PUB
    • ISBN 13: 9781682783818
    • Publication Date: 01/21/2025
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Brian Thomas Becket Mullady O. P.

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