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Philo of Alexandria

A Sourcebook
  • By Nélida Naveros Córdova Cdp
Product Description

Nélida Naveros Córdova carefully draws from a variety of texts within the Philonic corpus to provide a complete sourcebook for an introduction to Philo. After a general introduction, she consolidates the major topics and themes commonly studied in Philo into seven chapters: Philo's theology, his doctrine of creation, his anthropology, his doctrine of ethics, his metaphorical interpretation of biblical characters, his exposition of the Jewish Law and the Decalogue, and Jewish worship and major observances. For each chapter, Naveros Córdova provides a brief introduction and overview of the topics in their cultural and religious contexts highlighting Philo's philosophical thought and the significance of his biblical interpretation. The sourcebook consists mostly of fresh translations with few authorial comments with an attempt to introduce and present Philonic texts to the introductory reader to give broad exposure to the nature of Philo's literal and allegorical biblical interpretations. From start to finish, the book emphasizes the unity of the ethical character of Philo's thought considered the basic spectrum of his biblical exegesis.

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    • SKU: 9781978708631
    • Publisher: FORTRESS ACADEMIC
    • ISBN 13: 9781978708631
    • Publication Date: 01/29/2025
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Nélida Naveros Córdova Cdp

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