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Inclusive Preaching in a Divisive World

Preaching to Every Nation, Tribe, People & Language
  • By Linnea E. Carnes
Product Description

INCLUSIVE PREACHING IN A DIVISIVE WORLD emerges from my experiences as a pastor in Chicago. Every Sunday I would truly see the Kingdom of God in living color. Within four years the church I was serving was transformed from twenty percent first-generation immigrants to sixty percent. As many as fifteen nationalities were present on any Sunday. Culture and language issues forced me to look at ministry and preaching in new ways. There were also people with a variety of special needs and from various educational backgrounds. The words and illustrations a preacher uses in such a diverse gathering must be easily understood and inclusive to all people. The life and ministry of Jesus demonstrated how he empowered those who were powerless in society. Jesus tells his followers how to treat the “least of these.” Yet, unless we are willing to engage them and hear their stories, we cannot get to know people. Listening to people from other parts of the world gives us a far better understanding of the awesome grace and love of God.

Underlying all of the areas of diversity in the church is God’s command that we become one body, one people who are committed to unity. Perhaps we forget that Revelation 7:9 tells us that the Kingdom of God is comprised of every nation, tribe, people and language. Every pastor and church should see the people who walk in their doors, regardless of their color or dress, as a brother and sister in God’s family and welcome them. To genuinely welcome people who look different, speak a different language or come from a different church tradition requires that a pastor learn new skills. My hope is that others will read of my experiences and be better prepared to preach in a multiethnic context.


"INCLUSIVE PREACHING IN A DIVISIVE WORLD offers profound wisdom and practical guidance to pastors seeking to effectively preach the word of God in multi-cultural contexts, in immigrant-rich communities, and in inter-generational churches. Rooted in years of pastoral experience, Dr. Carnes writes with deep sensitivity to the increasingly complex and diverse cultural and social milieu of our day, and with deep conviction about the Church’s high calling to share the Good News of Jesus with people of every nation, tribe and language. I highly recommend this book!"
Rev. Garth McGrath, Superintendent of the Great Lakes Conference, Evangelical Covenant Church

"INCLUSIVE PREACHING IN A DIVISIVE WORLD by Dr. Linnea Carnes is a must-read for pastors and leaders who are navigating the challenges of becoming a multiethnic congregation. Many congregations want to follow Jesus without coming out of their racial and cultural comfort zone. The Great Commission calls for Christians to take the gospel to all people regardless of racial or cultural background. Dr. Carnes has developed a biblical framework for making the multiethnic congregation a priority and a step by step guide for successfully carrying out these spiritual priorities of diversity."
Rev. Dr. D. Darrel Griffin, Pastor Oakdale Covenant Church, Chicago, IL.

"Rev. Dr. Carnes is an eye-witness of a congregation, where people with vastly different backgrounds gathered in the name of one God. The community was not humanly planned, but a work of God itself. INCLUSIVE PREACHING IN A DIVISIVE WORLD is a thoughtful and insightful guide for any preacher, who is willing to be surprised by the way God works through our differences."
Dr. Yumi Murayama, Researcher and Adjunct Professor of Religion and Culture at Toyo University, Japan

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    • SKU: 9798675468379
    • ISBN 13: 9798675468379
    • Publication Date: 08/30/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Linnea E. Carnes

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