Since its completion in 1971, the New American Standard Bible (NASB) has been widely embraced as “the most literally accurate English translation” from the original languages. Millions of people, students, scholars, pastors, missionaries, and laypersons alike, trust the NASB, learning from it and applying it to the challenges of their daily lives.
To help you discover what the original text says, word for word, Cokesbury carries a selection of NASB editions for study, reference, gifts, or devotional in a variety of formats for adults, youth and teens, and children. It is also available in a variety of styles such as hardcover, paperback, leather, and electronic media.
The New American Standard Bible has been produced with the conviction that the words of Scripture, as originally penned in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, were inspired by God. Since they are the eternal Word of God, the Holy Scriptures speak with fresh power to each generation, to give wisdom that leads to salvation so that men and women may serve Christ for the glory of God.
Instead of the translators telling the reader what to think, the updated NASB provides the most precise English translation with which to conduct a personal journey through the Word of God.
Cokesbury offers a full variety of Bibles for study, reference, journaling, adventure bibles for kids, and many additional formats. You will also find a variety of translations such as NRSV, NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, NLT, and featuring the Common English Bible (CEB).
You can find a variety of Christian books for Christian Living, Leadership, Devotionals, Gift Books, Fiction, and Kids. Deepen your spiritual walk and strengthen your faith with resources for all aspects of church life.
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