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Prepare! 2024-2025 CEB/NRSVue Edition Digital

An Ecumenical Music & Worship Planner
Product Description
A weekly worship planning book for pastors and musicians – Refreshed!

We listened carefully to customer feedback and added many new features to make these resources more powerful, more useful, and easier to use for people in local churches of all sizes!

You’ll find new features like:
- The full text from the two most-used Scripture translations, NRSVue and CEB.
- Blank writing space to record your plans, ideas, and questions.
- Recommendations for music geared for smaller choirs, solos, duets, and other ensembles.
- Many new hymn and song suggestions, as well as more song suggestions for modern or contemporary services.
- Suggested themes for each week, a helpful Theme Index, plus a Scripture Index.
- Weekly suggestions for using visuals in worship.
- Reproducible Worship Planning Sheets
- This beloved planning tool still begins on the first Sunday in September

An all-in-one resource that helps both the music director and pastor plan the worship services for each Sunday and holy day of the church year, the 2024-2025 edition of Prepare! is lectionary-based and places everything at your fingertips:
- Theme index! Includes themes like assurance, doubt, family, justice, prayer, temptation, and many more
- Scripture Index
- Calendar format that helps you plan the entire choir year, from September through August
- Eight or more suggested hymns for each service keyed to 16 hymnals from at least seven different denominations, including Africana Hymnal, The Baptist Hymnal, Chalice Hymnal (Disciples of Christ), The Faith We Sing, Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal, The Hymnal 1982 (Episcopal), Hymns for the Family of God, Lutheran Book of Worship, The Presbyterian Hymnal, The New Century Hymnal (United Church of Christ), Renew! Songs & Hymns for Blended Worship, Songs for
Praise and Worship Sing along Edition, The United Methodist Hymnal, Voices United, Worship
& Song, and Worship III (Roman Catholic)
- Complete lectionary text of the Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle, and Gospel readings, using the CEB and NRSVue translations

In addition, you will find more:
- Consistent Worship elements
- Content for contemporary worship services
- More innovative worship elements
  Paperback ($32.99)
  •   Paperback ($32.99)
  •   eBook ($32.99)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781791015725
    • Manufacturer: Abingdon Press
    • Author: Mary Scifres
    • ISBN 13: 9781791015725
    • Publication Date: 04/16/2024
    • Page Count: 144
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: David L. Bone
    • Width: 8.75 inches
    • Height: 11.00 inches
    • Length: 10.88 inches
    • Weight: 0.05 pounds
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