In The One, by pastors Jen and Jim Cowart, readers will learn to respond to God’s great love for us by reaching out to the ones in our lives who are lost, not literally but spiritually—those who have not yet discovered the rich love God has for them. God sent his Son to earth on a rescue mission, “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10)—or as the parables in Luke 15 show us, to save “the one.” And Jesus has entrusted us, his disciples, to carry on this mission until his return.
Brian, a guest speaker, shares how his stepfather sought after and found him after being separated for years and how their relationship was restored. Then, Jim and Jen Cowart us the parable of the lost coin to talk about God’s passion to reach every person, no matter who they are.
Running Time: 11:26
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